Welcome Jodi!

Kite Hill PR is growing in NYC, and we’re excited to welcome Jodi Kovacs to the team as a PR Associate. 

Jodi previously held a position at Raker Goldstein where she focused on both B2C and B2C accounts including Henschel-Steinau, a best-in-class retail marketing solutions provider, Jessica’s Natural Foods and Ride Revolution. 

We’re excited to have her on board and are inspired by her growing passion for B2B tech PR.  She’ll be working across Kite Hill PR’s ad tech accounts including PulsePointCrowdtap and Sherpa Digital Media.  She’s also dipping her toes into the music tech waters working on MyMusicCloud

We asked Jodi why she’s excited about working at Kite Hill PR.  
Here’s what she had to say: 

“It’s such an exciting time to be in the ad tech and digital media industries.  I’m so enthusiastic about being a part of Kite Hill.  The skills I’m learning working alongside Tiffany are invaluable.  I’m looking forward to everything that comes with this new experience.”

Jodi Kovacs -  Raker Goldstein

Say Hello to Kite Hill PR's Clients

It’s an exciting time in the digital media industry right now.

From native advertising to the launch of new digital music services leveraging the cloud, the media and advertising industries are changing and embracing new technologies at a rapid rate.  

I am excited to be working with two clients who are helping to transform their industries.  Kite Hill PR's clients include PulsePoint, a leading content creation and media technology company and their community journalism site Allvoices, as well as MyMusicCloud, a device agnostic, cloud-based music storage service.

In working with these clients, Kite Hill PR is more than an agency.  We're a thought partner. But don't just take my word for it.  

Here's what PulsePoint's Director of Marketing, Lindsay Boesen has to say about working with Kite Hill PR. "Tiffany has been a strategic partner and absolute pleasure to work with.  She has a deep understanding of our business and has created an ongoing communications program for PulsePoint that helped us to gain more visibility in the industry”

If you're interested in working with Kite Hill PR, please drop me a note Tiffany@KiteHillPR.com. 

The Lessons I Learned From a PR Internship at Kite Hill PR

A guest post from our fantastic intern, Kara. 

I recently interned at Kite Hill PR in order to expand my knowledge of my Public Relations major, and gain hands-on experience within the industry. This internship provided me with a real-world knowledge about how to successfully work in public relations.  Internships have so much to offer – I gained more than experience to put on my resume, and benefited from direct guidance on different projects and constant feedback to improve my performance. 

One of the first things I learned about is the importance of media research. I have learned to compose an accurate and useful reports, which required me to research news outlets – discovering many that were new to me.   I also learned how to comprise a media list of contacts – going beyond topline research to find the appropriate audience that would be interested in this service and benefit a client. I learned how to complete these kinds of tasks efficiently, and later got to see the direct results of my assistance and the positive results that arose from my detailed research.  I also learned about monitoring for client media coverage. This taught me to always search for underlying opportunities as opposed to solely searching for general ideas or key topics and showed me first-hand how vital it is to be a critical thinker.

This internship has benefited me as a PR student, future PR worker, and young adult in general. In addition to learning many skills that I will need in my professional future, I was able to see the way a company operates and personally witness the many parts that goes into running a genuine and hardworking business. I have learned things that are not capable of being taught in a classroom, and have benefitted from working around deadlines and receiving feedback on my work that has helped me improve in many areas. 

PR internships can open the door to an array of opportunities. I am beyond pleased with my experience this past summer, and am eager to see how my PR future plays out as I begin to apply my newfound knowledge and experiences!

Why The Press Release is Not Dead

While many public relations pros will tell you that the press release has died, I'm firmly in the camp that it has not – but it has taken on a new role for public relations professionals.  As opposed to being one of the sole weapons in a PR person's pitch arsenal, it's now just one of the many tools we can use to secure and subsequently shape stories.  A press release has a place alongside targeted tweets, smart pitches with multimedia and that ringing-thing Alexander Bell invented.

Here are four ways to use press releases effectively today:

One, as a reference tool.  A press release can help you to organize and prioritize information about the product or service that you are formally announcing and add an extra layer of credibility to your news (especially for start ups). It doesn’t matter if you’re talking to a mainstream Pulitzer Prize winning journalist or a mommy blogger, you need to give them all the facts they need to properly cover your news. 

Two, for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Press releases can be used to gain a foothold on search engines.  If you are releasing evergreen content or data-driven news like research study results, a smart way to ensure that your news gets eyeballs over time is to distribute a highly optimized release.  If you don’t have the in-house resources to help optimize your release, any wire service should be able to offer advice on keywords and general SEO tips.

Three, as a resource page. I've also worked with providers where in a time crunch for a big launch, my press release was turned into a dedicated media resource page with fact sheet links, images, multimedia, and social media call to actions.  Business Wire, for example, helped me to create a robust branded Smart Marketing Page around the launch press release for HuffPost Live, our new streaming network. 

Four, as a social media driver.  With social media and media relations becoming increasingly intertwined, it’s a smart move to incorporate social media calls to action in your release.  Consider including a hashtag associated with the news in your headline and links to your Facebook and Twitter pages in your boilerplate. 

Read the full article in PR Week here: http://bit.ly/119PVQ1