Elevating Sapphire Technologies' Brand Visibility: A Case Study in B2B Communications

With a growing climate tech PR practice, our team was thrilled to partner with Sapphire Technologies, a leading developer and manufacturer of energy recovery systems for hydrogen and natural gas applications, in August 2022. The partnership aims to enhance brand recognition and so, we devised a strategic earned media program tailored to establish Sapphire Technologies as a dominant player within the clean energy category.

Known for our expertise in B2B communications and climate tech PR, we recognized an opportunity to amplify Sapphire Technologies' brand visibility. Via a phased, earned-first program, the team set out to educate the market about energy recovery systems, Sapphire Technologies’ turboexpander technology, and its leadership team's unique insights.

We executed the initial program in two phases:

  • Phase I: Category creation and marketplace education

    • Refined company messaging. 

    • Educated journalists via informational and introductory briefings.

  • Phase II: Emphasizing ownership of the turboexpander technology category

    • Leveraged new partnership announcements.

    • Created a thought leadership platform for executives.

    • Increased newsjacking around relevant tentpole moments in the energy sector.

  • Results:

    • 32.9% increase in Sapphire Technologies' share of voice among competitors from August 2022 to August 2023.

    • ~20 earned media placements secured, garnering 200+ million impressions.

    • ~12 byline articles published on behalf of Sapphire Technologies executive team.

During our partnership, Sapphire Technologies experienced significant growth, including: 

  • $10 million investment in the company

  • 200% workforce increase

  • Expanded turboexpander technology partnerships worldwide

Notably, over the two-year partnership, Sapphire Technologies’ turboexpanders have been deployed by prominent global organizations, contributing to the generation of clean energy and fostering environmental sustainability. Currently, the company aims to expand to South America and the Middle East, targeting pilot projects with leading oil and gas companies.

The work that our team has done showcases the power of strategic B2B communications in driving brand visibility, market education, and ultimately, business growth. Thanks to strategic planning, our skilled media professionals helped Sapphire Technologies emerge as an industry trailblazer, paving the way for continued success in the years to come.

Curious about how we can help your business stand out in the crowd? Contact us at hello@kitehillpr.com to connect with one of our climate tech PR experts and discuss your goals today.

Kite Hill PR Releases PR Playbook for Retail Media Networks

The leading B2B tech PR agency adds new retail media toolkit to a growing list of resources meant to help brands across key market verticals develop and execute communications strategies

Kite Hill PR, an award-winning, agile tech PR agency with deep expertise in serving adtech and media clients, today announced the launch of “The PR Playbook for Retail Media Networks,” a comprehensive guide that outlines effective communications strategies for new players in the category, including an overview of communications channels and tactics for leveraging earned media. 

The retail media network (RMN) industry is booming. According to eMarketer, US omnichannel retail media ad spend will total nearly $60 billion in 2024, a growth of 28.6% YoY.  As more and more retailers navigate how a media network may fit into their business goals and strategy, Kite Hill PR’s playbook was created to help brands create and execute a PR strategy aimed at driving awareness of new players in retail media. 

“With ten-plus years of experience in creating and leading innovative public relations campaigns for adtech, marketing and media businesses, we are sought after media relations experts in this category and look forward to supporting both established and new players in the space as they carve out their niche and unique growth path ,” said Tiffany Guarnaccia, CEO and founder of Kite Hill PR. “The playbook was designed with the modern marketer in mind, and is another resource to help brands leverage communications to navigate competitive and rapidly evolving landscapes. 

The playbook outlines four crucial steps to developing an external communications plan, including:

  1. Addressing your go-to-market and launch strategy

  2. Leveraging always-on communications

  3. Prioritizing and developing thought leadership content, and

  4. Leveling up earned media and owned events

Kite Hill PR launched in 2013 as an adtech PR specialist agency and has since expanded its practice areas to include media & entertainment, climate tech, enterprise tech, and more. Kite Hill PR’s deep understanding of the current landscape has given the agency the expertise to help brands create the external communications elements needed for developing overarching sales and marketing plans when introducing an RMN. 

The PR Playbook for Retail Media Networks is part of a growing list of resources Kite Hill PR has developed to help brands navigate and execute communications strategies. Earlier this year, the agency released its first e-book, “Mapping Your Career Constellation,” as a modern-day guide to mentorship. 

For more information on Kite Hill PR services and / or a deeper dive into the playbook, please contact Hello@KiteHillPR.com

Preparing for an M&A Announcement? Here are a few key things to consider:

Across industries, we’re seeing a rise in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) — in fact, the first half of 2024 saw almost double the number of significant adtech transactions compared to the same period in 2023 and the EY-Parthenon Deal Barometer forecasts 2024 US corporate M&A deal volume as a whole to increase by 20% by year’s end. Understanding the impact a pending merger or acquisition can have on an organization can help communicators move with agility to provide the right level of strategic support so that they can develop and deliver the right messaging to all affected internal and external stakeholders.

At Kite Hill PR, we have been behind some of the biggest M&As in tech, media and advertising, including Teads and Outbrain; Spotx and Magnite; TMB and Jukin Media; Vivvix and MediaRadar; Lucid and Cint; Tapad and Telnor and more.

Whether your company is still in the early stages or you’re ready to announce, these tips can help you create a dynamic communications strategy when devising an M&A announcement:

1. Ahead of the announcement, define your narrative, and ensure messaging addresses all affected stakeholders.

Begin by asking yourself: when are you announcing the merger or acquisition and how? Who needs to be informed from the first stage? What messaging can you prepare in advance for external stakeholders and media, as well as internal stakeholders i.e. employees, clients, etc.? What is the rollout communications strategy to inform parties?

Aligning on and outlining these details before any next steps are taken can be a crucial part of the planning process. Don’t skip it — ensuring all necessary stakeholders are involved from the beginning can help decrease any confusion or uncertainty throughout the process.

While it may be tempting to want to avoid the tough questions and answer them on a need-to-know basis, that’s not practical. Work closely with the executive and legal teams to build a list of any and every hard question that may be asked and prepare answers in an FAQ doc that can be circulated across the company to key executives. 

The media, in particular, will be interested in the origin of this deal and how it came to be, and they may also want to dig deeper into the business strategy (such as financial aspects or employee security, etc.). Employees will likely want to know how this business deal affects them and their job security. Clients will likely want to ensure their business won’t be negatively affected by the deal. Be prepared to address these questions head on.

2. Prepare your spokespeople. Consider having a spokesperson from each side of the deal and arm them with clear and consistent messaging. 

Your spokespeople likely understand the nature of the deal, but do they know how to communicate it? 

During any M&A announcement, spokespeople have an important role to not only tell the story but also reassure employees, clients, and other stakeholders as to why this is beneficial. Ensure your spokespeople are prepared via proper messaging development (ie. do they have a media FAQ, a client FAQ, a Town Hall script to address employees?). Offer to conduct media training sessions and practice runs ahead of the big reveal.

3. Leverage multiple channels of communication when a deal is announced. 

Don’t put all your eggs in one press release basket. 

This is the time to leverage earned, owned and shared channels. Publish blog posts and articles on the company website and social media channels, discussing the acquisition and its implications for the industry.

Issue a joint press release announcing the acquisition. Hold a media briefing to provide more details about the transaction and answer questions from reporters.

Make your communications on the announcement clear and in alignment across all channels to ensure you’re reaching all intended audiences. 

4. Continue the conversation in the media by highlighting the importance of the deal and the positive impact on the combined customer base. 

Leverage your own success stories by developing a series of case studies and white papers that demonstrate the value of the two company's now combined solutions.

Conduct outreach to key industry analysts and influencers to brief them on the acquisition and gather their insights.

Offer key reporters valuable face time with the spokespeople from each company leading the efforts around the deal. 

While there are many elements to preparing when it comes to M&A, an effective communications strategy should be a top priority. In the midst of uncertainty, information should help reassure people and be shared as available through the proper channels.

Want to discuss further? Reach out to hello@kitehillpr.com. We’re here to support you!

A Look Back at H1: Key Trends & Communications Takeaways

As communicators, we understand the importance of staying agile — and the best way to stay agile is to reflect back on key market moments, as often as possible, and extract lessons from those moments to inform future business decisions. With that in mind, we’d like to reflect on the trends that have shaped the first half of the year and help you pull out insights and communications takeaways to guide you and your teams through a strong H2. In this blog post, we'll dive into four key areas that have seen significant developments: Retail Media, CTV, and Climate Tech.

The Rise of Retail Media 

2024 has been the year of the retail media boom, with new networks popping up across every industry, from PayPal’s announcement of a new advertising platform to United’s launch of the airline industry's first media network to The Home Depot’s debut of its own retail media network, Orange Apron Media. Given its meteoric rise, it’s clear retail media is expanding beyond sponsored product listings. It now includes video ads, display ads, shoppable livestreams, in-store options and more, giving brands a variety of formats to engage with consumers.  

The CTV Boom

CTV has solidified its position as a must-have channel for advertisers in 2024. With 56% of new subscribers opting into ad-supported streaming models, up from last year’s 39%, it’s more important than ever for brands to tap into the potential of meeting consumers in their homes. This is further indicative as we look at the numbers and trends coming out of this year’s Upfronts. The market was slow to pick up steam this year and saw streaming services lowering their prices amid inventory oversupply.

  • Comms Takeaway: The changes happening in both retail media and the CTV and Upfront markets mean increased competition for advertiser attention. For communicators active in these markets, this means that continuing to elevate awareness and visibility around your brand and offerings is even more important. Strategic thought leadership plays are paramount, particularly keeping in mind that the intricacies of these growing markets can feel overwhelming and confusing. Communicators may wish to leverage smart thought leadership to help answer some tough questions for their targeted audiences. For instance, how can advertisers leverage platforms to their full potential? How should marketers allocate budgets? The companies who are able to cut through the noise and resonate are the ones who will likely capture more ad dollars. Education-led and purpose-led content initiatives are great ways to engage with audiences. 

Climate Tech

During the first quarter of 2024, the climate tech industry showed remarkable resilience and growth, standing out amid the economic slowdown that affected the venture capital community. Climate technology startups secured an impressive $8.1 billion in funding during this period, a testament to the immense potential for growth in this sector.

This sector is driven by a few variables, including regulations and industry groups that ask companies to meet certain sustainability objectives. The Election will play a big role in setting the agenda for the next four years. Consumer expectations and preferences are another driver of change and provide more consistency, reliability and incentive for continued growth for this industry. 

  • Comms Takeaway: As the Presidential election approaches, companies specializing in climate technology products and services must strategize against two distinct outcomes. Each party represents a distinct platform that will impact regulations and likely interest from corporations to push on or stand by on climate-focused initiatives. Communications initiatives that aim to help companies maximize the opportunity for either result are prudent to consider. 

— Gina Preoteasa, EVP, Client Success

Cannes Lions 2024 in review: A communicator’s outlook on a big year for PR

Image via agilitypr.com

This article was originally published on AgilityPR.com.

As the curtains fell on another successful Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, the global advertising and marketing community left the French Riviera with a wealth of inspiration and insights. While many noteworthy themes and trends were discussed throughout the week, three areas stood out in particular: artificial intelligence (AI), sustainability, and PR lead campaigns. 

PR wins at Cannes

As professionals in the PR field, we were elated to witness award wins by PR firms and earned-first creative. Historically, Cannes Lions has primarily focused on recognizing excellence in advertising and marketing, often awarding campaigns in the PR category to advertising agencies. However, this year, PR claimed its place in the limelight.  

Golin made history this year, winning two Grand Prix Lions, the first time a PR agency has won a Grand Prix with sole credit for its creative work with Specsavers. Other notable wins were by Ogilvy PR New York for CeraVe, Edelman Toronto and Salutem New York for Allegra Airways, and The Martin Agency for Solo Stove. Earned-first campaigns are the backbone of PR, and their effectiveness is reflected in the awareness and visibility they bring to brands, businesses, and the people they highlight. It was a truly banner year for the PR industry. 

Artificial intelligence

As expected, AI continued to be a hot topic at Cannes this year. With the revised Cannes guidelines prompting advertising professionals to disclaim AI-generated or influenced creative content, AI was poised to be put center stage in a way that it had not yet been at the festival. While the discussion was hot, it was met with more hesitation this year. Last year was about posturing and pointing to hypothetical use cases. This year we saw companies tout the rollout of AI products and solutions designed to create more personalized and targeted campaigns.  


This was the first year that the official Cannes Lions programming had a dedicated track to Creators, which took place on Thursday. To many, this signified the importance of creators as a part of the media mix. As a heated election cycle nears, many brands are considering increasing spend with creators in a bet that creator-generated content will be more brand-safe.  


Sustainability emerged as a pivotal theme, compelling brands to recognize the importance of addressing environmental and social issues. The ‘Net Zero: License to Operate’ panel, hosted by 51toCarbonZero, underscored the need for companies to take a clear stance on emerging sustainability guidelines. Notably, sustainability has transitioned from a discretionary consideration to an imperative, reflecting the industry’s response to global concerns. 

This demand stems from various stakeholders, offering companies an opportunity to proactively communicate their approach to sustainability and stay ahead of the curve. Panel moderator Richard Davis, Co-Founder & CEO at 51toCarbonZero, pointed out, “Policies are easy, but behavioral change is hard.” Read more about this panel on our blog here.  

The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity provided insightful revelations and showcased the evolving landscape of the advertising and marketing industry. The prominence of PR lead campaigns, the continued impact of artificial intelligence, and the growing importance of sustainability were evident themes throughout the event.  

As the industry continues to adapt and change, it’s clear that creators, AI, and sustainability will play pivotal roles in shaping the future of creative campaigns and brand communication strategies. Cannes Lions 2024 has truly highlighted the growing synergy between innovation and creativity within the communications, marketing and advertising realms. 

- Tiffany Guarnaccia, CEO and Founder

How has the Conversation About Sustainability Evolved at Cannes Lions?

Net Zero: License to Operate Panel with Jean-Marc Papin, SVP of Media Technologies at Horizon Media; Julie Selman, SVP Head of EMEA at Magnite; Simon Sikorski, President of Global Operations at XR Extreme Reach; and moderated by Richard Davis,  Co-Founder & CEO at 51toCarbonZero.

We kicked off our first day at Cannes Lions 2024 by attending the session “Net Zero: License to Operate” on sustainability early Monday morning on RTL Beach. The breeze was still cool, but the conversations were heating up at 9 a.m. as the week’s events started. 

As an agency with communications expertise that straddles the adtech and cleantech industries, we were keen to converse and convene with industry leaders who are as passionate about this issue as we are. 

Jean-Marc Papin, SVP of Media Technologies at Horizon Media, noted that they all started with passion. “We are more than an ecosystem, we are a community. It is a movement that also includes clients who are passionate. It is a beautiful, collaboration moment.” 

Panelists from Magnite, Horizon Media and Extreme Reach answered questions from Richard Davis,  Co-Founder & CEO at 51toCarbonZero, as he postured that the industry is at an inflection point. With new regulations and new industry bodies putting a spotlight on this issue, the time to act is now. He also noted that the industry moves when there is a request from a client. 

Julie Selman, SVP Head of EMEA at Magnite, supported his point by noting that embracing suitability is important for both clients and employees. Sustainability has been mentioned in more RFIs. 

Davis noted, “Policies are easy, but behavioral change is hard,” as he pressed the panelists for more details on their specific actions. 

Simon Sikorski, President of Global Operations at XR Extreme Reach, noted that there is a move from intent to measurable outcomes. They are now working with AdNetZero and Scope3 and, interestingly, added measurement of linear as they look to get ahead of the curve. 

Overall, as new sustainability guidelines roll out it is table stakes for companies to have a point of view on these issues. It has gone from a ‘nice to have’ to a ‘must have.’ The demand is coming from many stakeholders, and there is a huge opportunity for companies to proactively communicate their approach and get ahead of the curve. 

Interested in more industry and event perspectives? Follow the Kite Hill PR blog for our next recap, or check us out on LinkedIn for timely updates.

- Tiffany Guarnaccia, CEO and Founder of Kite Hill PR

Key Trends And Predictions For Cannes Lions 2024

Image via commpro.biz

This article was originally published on CommPro.Biz.

As the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity quickly approaches, some of the hot discussions that will shape future industry trends are bubbling up. With just a few weeks until showtime, agendas have been announced, communications plans are in motion and the pre-conference buzz already points to industry trends to watch for the remainder of 2024. 

Let’s dive into each of these trends.

Exploring The Intersection Of AI And Creativity

Last year, we saw an initial wave of marked (albeit, timid) interest in discussions around AI; this year, AI is squarely on the agenda and integrated through every facet of the festival. Talks of nascent-stage, experimental solutions have transformed to discussions around how best to implement practical, real-world applications to achieve better business outcomes.

Just take a look at the new AI disclosure in the event’s jury process. The implementation of this disclaimer shows that AI is not only being acknowledged and implemented by the festival, but regulated in its use.

We anticipate we’ll see top industry leaders illustrate AI’s undeniable industry influence and progression this year, as many take center stage to debate and explore its impact on the creative process and its potential to accelerate innovation across creatives and communicators. I like to say — it’s an enabler, not the enemy. Adoption in AI is moving quickly, and it’s the creative professionals who are getting involved with it now — and investing the time to understand how to best implement it into their current workflows and comms strategies — who are going to see the most success in the long term.

Continued Discussions On Inclusion, Purpose And Sustainability  

The Cannes Lions Festival consistently demonstrates its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and this year is no exception. One of the noticeable changes in 2024 is the introduction of an option for award candidates to share their responses to sustainability and DEI questions with the jury. This step aims to promote transparency and encourage those who have made progress in these areas through their creative comms strategies to showcase their achievements. 

Separately, sustainability will be a more prominent theme at Cannes Lions in 2024. Ad Net Zero, for example, will be leveling up its festival presence to focus discussions on reducing the advertising industry's carbon footprint. 

These developments at Cannes Lions 2024 suggest a renewed, recentered focus on incorporating inclusive and sustainable elements into every aspect of the creative process—from ideation to execution. As communicators prepare to attend Cannes and take away key lessons to help inform their 2H planning strategies, authenticity and transparency in communications are no longer “nice to haves”; they’re critical. 

Awards Will Be Won For Campaigns That Measurably Move Businesses Forward 

Today’s business environment requires a laser focus on quantifiable results. Winners will showcase the direct and indirect effects of their campaigns on crucial business goals, moving beyond conventional metrics like reach, impressions, and clicks. This requires a sophisticated approach to measurement, aligning metrics with the organization's broader goals and strategies. 

As these trends shape the future of marketing and PR, the festival serves as a pivotal platform for industry professionals to showcase their innovative campaigns, engage in meaningful discussions, and set new benchmarks for excellence. Cannes Lions 2024 promises to inspire and drive the advertising, marketing and communications industries forward. 

- Tiffany Guarnaccia, CEO and Founder

Upfronts/Newfronts 2024: Key Trends and Communications Takeaways

As the NewFronts and Upfronts come to a close, one word can likely sum up how the media & entertainment industry is left feeling: disrupted. Explosive demand in trending content categories, like women in sports, not only changed the media-buying game for advertisers but presented unique opportunities for publishers and programmers to diversify their offerings and rethink strategies on how to best reach viewers.

Did you miss the action? We’re recapping our top takeaways and sharing insights as to how communications professionals can best dial up their strategies in the 2H 2024, to play into these trends: 

Legacy media companies took a backseat to the streamers with top platforms like Netflix emphasizing their exclusive content, including sports rights. And they weren’t shy to tout the celebrity “It” factor with Amazon and others making some of their first in-person pitches to ad buyers and bringing in tow a myriad of A-listers.

  • Comms Takeaway: Studded star power sells. When looking at upcoming communications strategies through the PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned) lens, consider strategic partnerships with relevant industry influencers. Engaging in this type of paid partnership is a great way to tell your brand’s story in a controlled environment while extending that story’s reach and opening up your audience to new target demographics.

The new currency race dominated many Upfront conversations, as predicted, with streaming platforms like Amazon Prime, NBCUniversal’s Peacock and Netflix showcasing advancements in ad targeting and measurement. 

  • Comms Takeaway: Measurement is top of mind for all media professionals and creatives. It’s essential to constantly reevaluate. While legacy measurement protocols may still carry value, are there new avenues and / or technologies to explore to help your brands or clients better reach their goals? Proving value is the name of the game and outdated tactics will not show the true value of your creative thinking, execution and outputs.

Sports dominated with networks leaning on live games and hot categories like women in sports to attract ad buyers. 

  • Comms Takeaway: The recency factor is important to consider. Connecting your message to a recent event helps your audience to understand its value. Think about how you can make trending content categories work within your existing communications strategy plans and make sure to plan for those moments. For example, events like the Olympics and the Election will have a big impact on mindshare in the second half of this year. 

— Maggie Stasko, Senior Account Manager

Implementing AI: Key Insights from our Women in Media Meetup

Implementing AI: Key Insights from our Women in Media Meetup

Kite Hill PR recently hosted its latest Women in Media Meetup event, sponsored by Yieldmo. “Implementing AI Across the Media and Advertising Landscape” brought together a panel of industry experts on Wednesday evening to discuss how AI is being put into practice and cover some of today’s best use cases for media professionals.

The insightful evening, moderated by Yakira Young, Content Manager at AdMonsters, featured Lindsey DiGiorgio, Chief Marketing Officer at Yieldmo; Kathryn Rydberg, Senior Marketing Manager at Cint; and Lauren Soni, VP of Product at Forbes. These media experts shared their unique perspectives, visions for the future, and valuable insights on the adoption of AI to maximize the impact of creativity to thrive in a new media and advertising landscape. 

Sad you missed it? Read on for some highlights!

Integrating AI into your company’s tech stack can lead to a significant ROI.

Panelists shared their perspectives on how each of their respective companies are implementing AI into their tech stacks. All are seeing a significant boost in campaign lift and data quality, along with improvements to their creative processes. Lauren Soni, Forbes, for instance, shed light on how AI-powered tools can generate creative concepts and assist with the copywriting and design processes. However, while balancing these AI processes with human creativity, the panelists noted that awareness and consideration are the main focus areas to keep in consideration when using AI tools. 

Leverage AI to implement more effective comms strategies that favor diverse audiences.

The panelists also addressed the topic of implementing strategies for diverse audiences, discussing existing strategies to analyze data and identify trends to create more effective comms strategies for tailored audiences. While strategies vary, key items include leveraging surveys and collected data, gauging the receptiveness of AI-driven campaigns, working with the right partners to meet audiences where they spend the most time, and being innovative with placement and targeting. 

AI will continue to disrupt the future of media, particularly over the next five years. 

Panelists emphasized that this technology will continue to play an increasingly important role in advertising and media. Whether through automating more tasks, improving targeting capabilities, or creating more engaging content, AI is a tool that will be integrated more. They also shared a very pertinent reminder with the audience: AI is not a replacement for human creativity, but rather a strategic tool that will aid in processes. The best results will come from a combination of human expertise and AI tools. 

The key takeaways? 

  • Finding the right audience is crucial for a successful advertising campaign 

  • It is imperative to have access to high-quality data to see higher results 

  • Measure the impact of campaigns to optimize future strategies 

  • AI is a powerful tool to assist human creativity, not a replacement 

Until our next Women in Media meetup! Join our growing community to stay in the loop on upcoming events. Interested in speaking at or sponsoring or next event? Reach out to us at hello@kitehillpr.com

— Julia Worthington, Account Executive

The Importance of Local Networking in Communications

At Kite Hill PR, we firmly believe that participating in local networking opportunities is crucial for fostering innovation, and motivation, within the communications industry. 

Kite Hill PR Account Executive, Julia Worthington, and Senior Account Manager, Maggie Stasko, recently attended networking events at their alma maters, where they were reminded how the power of community can encourage knowledge sharing, support and growth among aspiring and existing communications professionals. Check out their experiences! We hope their takeaways inspire you to do a bit of their own networking in the coming weeks… you never know when you might spark a conversation that can cultivate positive change and make a difference in someone’s life (including your own!).

Julia Worthington, Account Executive - During my time at Montclair State University (2017-2021), I was part of an on-campus, student-run communications agency called Hawk Communications. This involvement was instrumental in giving me the foundation needed for where I am professionally today. Recently, I returned to attend the 2024 Distinguished Alumni Awards and networking event for current and former members. I was able to connect with — and mentor — so many bright students who are eager to start their careers in the communications field. 

Maggie Stasko, Senior Account Manager - I believe networking is critical. I would not be where I am today without the help and guidance of my own mentors. That is why I was excited to be invited to speak on a Pittsburgh-based PR professionals panel to a class of PR & Advertising grad students at Point Park University.  It was an honor to be a “thought leader” for a day, and share my insights with public relations and advertising students to offer them a transparent view of the industry. 

By sharing our insights and experiences, we can empower students and early-career professionals with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in the dynamic world of public relations and communications. Whether it's through guest lectures or networking events, we have a responsibility to cultivate the next generation of thoughtful PR leaders who will drive innovation and excellence in the industry. 

If you're looking for additional opportunities to network and learn from industry pros IRL, Kite Hill PR is hosting another event in our Women In Media Meetup series on May 15th. This time around, we will be joined by industry experts to talk about AI and its influence in the media and advertising landscape. Follow us on LinkedIn to keep up to date on new events and check out Kite Hill's NYC meetup page to register!

If you want to learn from one of the best PR thought leaders in the biz, Kite Hill PR founder and CEO Tiffany Guarnaccia shared her career journey and experience, alongside the advice and key learnings of other successful businesswomen, in her new ebook: Mapping Your Career Constellation: How to Find Your North Star and Communicate Your Vision (now available for free download). 

–Maggie Stasko and Julia Worthington 

Mastering Climate Tech Storytelling: 5 Must-Read Outlets

In the last five years, we’ve seen the proliferation of climate tech and subsequently coverage and conversations on climate change and sustainability. Furthermore, companies are expected and, more increasingly, required to publicly share sustainability goals and the progress made against them. Clearly articulating these initiatives can be complicated, but like all successful communications, it starts with storytelling that prioritizes transparency and authenticity. 

As PR practitioners, understanding how to build a good story that resonates with key audiences begins with being an avid reader. You’d be hard-pressed to find a media relations wizard who doesn’t read or ingest content throughout their day – whether it's nonfiction on the subway ride to the office, analyzing the day’s top business stories with peers, or doing a deep dive into niche climate tech topics. 

In honor of Earth Day, we’ve compiled the team’s favorite climate tech and sustainability-focused outlets. Check them out to get a better understanding of the evolution of the industry and to become a savvy climate tech storyteller. 

Cipher: Led by Amy Harder, the Cipher team’s reporting is sharply focused on critical climate solutions. The key is that they take very complex topics, break them down and humanize them. What does the reimagining of ports in Spain mean for offshore wind farms in the US? How will we deal with the juxtaposition of the solutions that AI can bring to climate issues and the sheer amount of energy it takes to power AI? That plus the fact that Cipher’s newsletter includes an amazing aggregation of must-reads from across the web makes the publication a top resource for PR professionals and the public in general.  

Bloomberg Green: Like all of Bloomberg, Bloomberg Green is stocked full of eye-catching stats and data analysis, providing readers with the key points needed to quickly grasp the impacts of climate change. With beats dedicated to the EV market, investing and clean technology, among others, the publication has the resources to do deep into topics that are impacting businesses, consumers, and the economy at large. Bloomberg has also upped its events game, with various climate and sustainability-focused conferences happening in 2024. *Bonus: Bloomberg’s Zero Podcast has a fantastic slate of guests and topics.  

Climate Tech VC: For all things climate tech investment, CTVC is your resource. The team not only provides regular snapshots of the state of investments focused on climate solutions, but also does quarterly analyses looking at the state of the industry and where it’s likely to move in the future. CTVC’s coverage is essential for those who are newer to the space and looking to get a better understanding of financial trends. 

Interchange Recharged Podcast: Hosted by Wood Mackenzie’s head of American sales, Interchange Recharged looks at the global energy transformation, with discussions around technology, markets and policies. The diversity of topics ensures that attention is given to more niche parts – or parts that aren’t typically covered on other sites – of the industry, such as textile recycling, climate modeling and sustainable aviation fuel

The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast: A more consumer-focused podcast, but impactful and important for PR practitioners to listen to nonetheless. As storytellers, it’s important to keep business narratives in perspective – we’re all reaching very human audiences. The Anti-Dread Climate podcast does a fantastic job of breaking down climate topics and issues that impact our daily lives – all of which are areas of focus of the B2B climate tech industry as well.

- Emma Wolfe, VP

POSSIBLE 2024 Recap: The Cannes of the US

That’s a wrap on POSSIBLE 2024! This year, Miami drew nearly 4,000 attendees to network and get a pulse on the biggest trends impacting media, adtech, entertainment, retail, technology and more. It’s clear POSSIBLE has cemented itself as the premier H1 event for advertisers and marketers between CES and Cannes, as noted by Axios’ Kerry Flynn. 

Kite Hill PR was on the ground (and soaking up the sunshine at the outdoor Innovation Stage – [yes, the ocean served as an epic backdrop!]). Here are some of the key takeaways and intel on the lay of the land:

Audience Relevance 

Something many panels had in common? The importance of connecting with relevant audiences. How to do that? CTV provides precision as noted by Jatinder Singh, Global Head of Data & AI at Accenture Song; hyper-local targeting provides untapped potential said Scott Kelliher, Head of Revenue at Newsbreak; and The Home Depot’s SVP & CMO Molly Battin emphasized how in-person connections help brands go the extra mile with building customer connections. With so many brands competing across channels and mediums to garner attention, it’s important to hone in on the right tactics to reach your target demographic effectively. JP Morgan Chase’s Chief Media Officer, Tracy-Ann Lin summed it up nicely: “Local is not just a party trick, but a business imperative.”

Comms Takeaway: This emphasizes the importance of an audience-based PR strategy to reach the right decision-makers and customers. 

Capitalize on Major Moments: From the Headlines to the Main Stage

Group Black announced its acquisition of Galore Media during pre-conference festivities and soon after, held an engaging panel discussion between Editor-in-Chief, Prince Chenoa and OG content creator, LeLe Pons (and Galore’s April cover star) to expand on it further. There was tons of excitement in the room and attendees packed into the chic “nightclub”-esque space that Group Black notably created. 

Comms Takeaway: Planning to announce company news on stage at an upcoming speaking engagement? While that’s certainly an approach that can be done successfully – and implemented by the likes of Walmart and Google (among others) at POSSIBLE – don’t sleep on strategically announcing before and then referencing on stage. Also, the answer is always yes to bringing your dog on stage. 

How to Show Up

The POSSIBLE conference is one – albeit major – sliver of the festivities occurring during the week. But many “unofficial” adjacent events drew crowds and lively networking opportunities. From private client dinners at the top Miami restaurants to invite-only parties at the Soho House. There are more ways than the obvious to show up and make an impactful impression. 

Comms Takeaway: Events can provide significant value but come with a hefty price tag. Having the right approach is crucial to ensure you hit your goals, engage the right audiences and don’t take the stage to speak to an empty room. 

Interested in attending POSSIBLE next year? Chat with us on the best approach based on your business's needs. And don’t forget to wear sunscreen! 

– Sammy Jordan, Senior Account Director

Navigating Disruption: Key Insights from our Women in Media Meetup

In a landscape marked by volatility and innovation, Kite Hill PR recently held the return of its in-person Women In Media Meetups. “The State of the Media Industry: Navigating Disruption” convened a panel of industry leaders last Thursday to discuss challenges and opportunities facing media professionals today. The insightful evening, moderated by Kerry Flynn, Media Deals Reporter at Axios Pro, featured Amy Tunick, Chief Marketing Officer at National CineMedia (NCM), Jenny Wall, Chief Marketing Officer of VideoAmp, and Linda Villani, Chief Revenue Officer at DailyMail.com. These influential women shared their experiences, strategies, and visions for the future, offering invaluable lessons for women in media.

Innovative Strategies and Resilience

Amy Tunick, representing the cinema advertising sector, highlighted how embracing challenges leads to innovation. Amid the pandemic, NCM demonstrated resilience by turning potential setbacks into opportunities, showcasing the enduring appeal of the movie-going experience. The remarkable success of tailored, culturally relevant campaigns including the Taylor Swift concert film exemplifies the power of creative thinking in overcoming industry hurdles.

Jenny Wall brought a perspective from the ad tech world, emphasizing the need for disruption in traditional measurement methods. Her journey at VideoAmp, and previously with tech giants including Hulu and Netflix, underscores the importance of adaptability and the relentless pursuit of efficiencies, proving that innovation is not just about starting new ventures but also about continually challenging and refining existing models.

Linda Villani shared insights from DailyMail.com’s strategy to stay relevant by diversifying content and leveraging new platforms including TikTok. The creation of a US-based insights team and closer collaboration with the editorial team illustrates the importance of localizing content and staying in tune with audience interests to drive engagement. 

Expanding Audience Reach and Maintaining Relevance

The conversation revealed the significance of understanding and adapting to audience behaviors. From leveraging data analytics to embracing new platforms and formats, the speakers underscored the need to meet audiences where they are. This approach is not only about broadening reach but also about enhancing engagement through relevant, captivating content.

Staying Ahead of Generational Changes

The panelists addressed the challenge of preparing for generational shifts, highlighting the necessity of anticipating and understanding the preferences and behaviors of emerging audiences, such as Gen Alpha. While specific strategies may vary, the underlying theme is clear: staying relevant requires a deep understanding of demographic trends and a willingness to experiment and innovate.

The Importance of Creativity and the Future of Media

In discussing the future of media and the impact of events such as Cannes, the panelists stressed the enduring value of creativity. Whether in advertising, content creation, or strategic planning, creativity remains a critical driver of success in the media industry. As the landscape evolves, fostering a culture that values and nurtures creativity will be crucial for companies looking to lead in the next era of media.

The broad strokes takeaways?

  • Embrace change and challenge. View challenges as opportunities for innovation.

  • Leverage data and technology. Utilize analytics and embrace digital platforms to enhance audience engagement and operational efficiency.

  • Foster creativity. Creativity is not just a tool for content creation but a strategic asset in all aspects of media.

  • Understand your audience. A deep understanding of current and future audiences enables more effective and relevant communication.

  • Cultivate adaptability. The ability to adapt to new trends, platforms, and audience behaviors is key to sustained relevance and success.

The insights shared during “The State of the Media Industry: Navigating Disruption” reflect a broader narrative of resilience, innovation, and the importance of community among women in media. As the industry continues to evolve, these principles will remain vital for those looking to thrive amidst disruption.

- Lara Schembri, Senior Account Executive

The Power of a Story — Learnings from the Sustainability in Tech Conference

I was recently asked to represent Kite Hill at the Sustainability in Tech Conference in London. This was a great event that highlighted the issues that businesses face on their path to sustainability and the difficulty resulting from the various frameworks and conflicting guidelines here in the UK. Trust and liability issues also arose in terms of working with suppliers and complicated supply chains. Apparently, there are many hoops to jump through to ensure your business can be recognized as truly sustainable.

One session, however, stood out to me as someone who works with clients to promote their business. It was a talk by a UK TV presenter and author, Philippa Forrester who spoke about her experience researching and writing a book about the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park. It was entitled, The Power of a Story.

Philippa spoke about how wolves were demonized and hunted to extinction. As the alpha predators of the local area, humans propagated negative stories about the harm that wolves cause to the local farming industry. Following a PR campaign of sorts, local conservationists led the reintroduction of wolves to the region 25 years ago, which has now proven to have had a huge positive impact on the whole ecosystem of the area.

This heartwarming tale demonstrates the “power of the story.” Humans shared a negative story about wolves because they wanted their cattle to be safe from predators, by changing that story to be one of how they are intrinsic to a flourishing natural environment has led to them being regarded in a different way. 

She went on to link this to telling the story of climate change and how whilst facts might change our minds, stories change our hearts. As someone who works with clients to develop and showcase brand stories that get under the skin of media and potential clients alike, I thought this was a great analogy!

Whilst it is clearly a complex path for any business to implement the right environmental practices, telling the story behind your sustainability journey in line with your business ethos will cement authenticity and trust in your brand. 

Wondering how? Check out Kite Hill PR CEO, Tiffany Guarnaccia’s thoughts on best practices for sustainability comms in IPRA.

- Caroline Brunton, Senior Account Manager

Kite Hill PR Releases First E-Book, Mapping Your Career Constellation, As a Modern-Day Guide to Mentorship

As the next iteration of the agency’s Modern Mentorship series, the e-book helps female entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs find their North Star, and crystallize and communicate their visions into existence.

NEW YORK — March 7, 2024 – Kite Hill PR, an award-winning, agile tech PR agency, today publishes its first e-book, Mapping Your Career Constellation: How to Find Your North Star and Communicate Your Vision, on behalf of the agency’s founder and CEO, Tiffany Guarnaccia. Perfect for female entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs looking for a modern-day mentorship guide, this hands-on, leadership-style e-book takes readers on a professional development journey to help them find their North Star, build their career constellation, and ultimately, crystallize and communicate their visions into existence.

The e-book features insights from Kite Hill PR’s Modern Mentorship video interview series, interlaced with advice and anecdotes on the hard lessons Tiffany Guarnaccia learned along the way in her own career journey. It is a must-read for those who are trying to find, and follow, their North Star in business, and struggling to find their way. Through three sections, readers will uncover thought-provoking insights and advice, such as how to find their North Star in business, discover what it takes to get started, challenge the status quo, trust their intuitive instincts, and more.

“As a two-time entrepreneur and current small business owner, I understand the challenges and opportunities when it comes to mapping your career constellation,” said Tiffany Guarnaccia. “The path is not linear, and I would not be where I am today without the guidance, support, and mentorship of others. I hope this e-book inspires — and encourages — each and every reader to find her own North Star, build her career constellation, crystallize and communicate her vision into existence… and know that I’m here to help her through every step.”
Featured mentors in the e-book include Tonia Wellons, Linda Ong, Tiffany Ricks, Janet Balis, Shannan Herbert, Patrice Tanaka, Tameeka Kee, Bonnie Kintzer, Diane Schwartz, among others. The e-book also contains input from the Kite Hill PR team, at large. This includes the top-knotch editing work of Mackenzie Sikora, who helms the Kite Hill PR editor’s desk — a team of editorial enthusiasts committed to elevating the agency’s writing, and ensuring its colleagues and clients are communicating at their highest and most effective levels.  

Mapping Your Career Constellation: How to Find Your North Star and Communicate Your Vision is available for download now at our website.

For readers who find the messaging within its pages particularly resonate with them, please do not hesitate to reach out to Tiffany Guarnaccia and the Kite Hill PR team at hello@kitehillpr.com. Kite Hill PR is happy to help, and together, we can create a path to success and fulfillment, for you.

About the Author

Considered a “visionary with a finger on the pulse of the industry” by PRWeek, Tiffany is the Founder and CEO of Kite Hill PR and the Founder of Communications Week, which was acquired by Ragan Communications. Under her leadership, Kite Hill PR has been recognized as one of the “Top B2B PR Agencies” by PR Daily, "Top Tech Specialist PR Agencies in NYC,” “Most Powerful PR Firms,” and a “Top 50 PR Firm in America” by the Observer, a “Best Place to Work” by PR News and one of "America's Best PR Agencies" by Forbes. While at the helm of Kite Hill PR, she pioneered the PR Sprint Workflow®, an agile planning process applied to PR. 

Her accolades include being recognized as one of PR News' Women to Watch, a DMN Hall of Femme, a PRWeek 40 Under 40, a She Runs It Working Mother of the Year, as well as a Top Women in Communications by Ragan. Most recently, Tiffany was named a Top Women in Media and Ad Tech by AdExchanger and AdMonsters. 

Tiffany is involved in many organizations that help to support and shape the PR industry. She currently serves as a Board Member to Communications Week and the PR Council. She has served as a Senior Judge for the PRSA-NY Big Apple Awards for the past two years and was previously a board member of PRSA-NY. 

Before starting Kite Hill PR, Tiffany led communications for The Huffington Post. Earlier in her career she was at the center of the music industry’s most disruptive years as PR director at LimeWire and Music.

About Kite Hill PR

Based in New York City with team members in the UK and across North America, Kite Hill PR is a leading B2B communications and tech PR agency specializing in connecting enterprise technology, media and advertising businesses with key stakeholders. The company's winning approach combines thought leadership, strategy and media relations to drive clients' businesses forward. Kite Hill PR has been recognized as one of the "Top Tech Specialist PR Agencies in NYC,” “Most Powerful PR Firms,” and a “Top 50 PR Firm in America” by the Observer, a “Top B2B Agency” by Ragan Communications and PR Daily, a “Best Place to Work” by PR News and one of "America's Best PR Agencies" by Forbes.

The Museum of Public Relations Recap: Celebrating Black PR History 2024

The Museum of Public Relations hosts an annual event honoring Black PR history. In its 9th year, the event featured a panel discussion centering around pertinent issues faced by Black men today, particularly a lack of representation in the industry. This discussion comes at a time when the overall number of men from a variety of backgrounds in the field is reaching historic lows. As the PR community continues moving forward in the industry and creating a space that is welcoming for all, the panelists emphasized the importance of DE&I especially as efforts and commitments are beginning to dwindle. Here are key takeaways for all PR practitioners: 

All communicators should recognize and create space for representation.

Fostering diversity and inclusion at decision-making tables is of paramount importance, as emphasized by industry experts during a recent panel discussion. Devon Jackson, senior account supervisor at EGAMI Group, highlighted the significance of representation in the industry. By having a diverse range of backgrounds and cultures represented, creative campaigns can more effectively reflect the diversity that exists beyond the walls of the PR industry. This representation serves as a crucial step towards creating a more inclusive and authentic industry landscape.

To achieve this, organizations must actively work towards creating environments where individuals feel safe, seen, and valued for their unique perspectives. Brandon Thomas, executive vice president at Freuds Group, underscored the critical role of diversity in mentorship. He pointed out that the lack of diversity in the industry can pose challenges for individuals entering the field, as they may struggle to find mentors and role models with whom they can relate. By fostering a diverse and inclusive mentorship program, organizations can provide aspiring professionals with the guidance and support they need to thrive.

Encouraging open dialogue, promoting inclusivity, and fostering a culture of respect are essential elements in creating a more diverse and equitable industry. Organizations can drive innovation, creativity, and meaningful change by prioritizing representation and creating spaces where individuals feel empowered to bring their authentic selves to the table.
Make the commitment across industries, to open up doors for diversity.

The power of influence can be harnessed by each of us to foster greater inclusivity within our industry. Dr. Chuck Wallington, executive vice president and chief marketing & communications officer at Cone Health, emphasized the critical need for leveraging influence and implementing tangible changes. Without such proactive efforts, we run the risk of perpetuating the same unproductive discussions year after year, with no meaningful progress made.

David W. Brown, assistant dean of community and communication at Temple University, pointed out that the lack of representation, particularly concerning black men, is not solely a problem confined to the PR industry. Rather, it affects and manifests as an issue across all industries that PR impacts. Brown's powerful statement, "Black history is US history," serves as a poignant reminder of the shared responsibility we all bear in prioritizing diversity.

In order to continue to attract talent to the PR industry — there must be a commitment to making PR more diverse and creating an environment where individuals feel safe and valued. Encouraging open dialogue, inclusivity, and respect are essential elements in fostering a more diverse and equitable industry. The lack of representation is not limited to the PR industry alone but affects all industries. Creating diverse workplaces is a shared responsibility that contributes to a more inclusive and authentic industry.

- Kyle Murray, Senior Account Supervisor

How to Leverage PR for Lead Generation

When companies think about lead generation, they often think about sales & marketing. What can we do to improve our sales funnel? How can we better target our intended audiences and promote stronger sales conversions? Are we sending enough targeted drip campaigns? 

While those are great questions to ask, and sales & marketing initiatives are important pieces to the puzzle, there’s one element that often goes overlooked. Public relations.

PR is a powerful tool communicators can leverage to help generate leads and grow their team’s business. By building relationships with journalists, research analysts, and other industry influencers, communicators can ensure their company and its products or services are getting seen. This can lead to increased website traffic, more sales leads, stronger engagement, and ultimately, more revenue.

Let’s explore some tips on how communicators can start better using PR as a lead-generating tool:

  1. Drive targeted earned media outreach. Identify the target audience(s) your company not just wants but needs to reach. Build strong media lists that identify key journalists and publications that cover that sector. (Extra pro tip: avoid shiny object syndrome! The NYT has the cool factor, and trades might have the “IT” factor! A publication’s quantitative reach does not, alone, indicate the impact it will have on your business. Targeted trade publications are often great vehicles for reaching specific audiences that your company would like to see convert to prospects and, ultimately, qualified leads.)  

  2. Lean into thought leadership and set multiple narratives, to span multiple distribution channels — you should have a story ready to tell that caters to each specific audience you are trying to reach. Press releases are a great start to driving earned media coverage, but they are not the only avenue to accruing that earned media coverage. Think about the different comms materials and gated content (ie. whitepapers, ebooks) you likely already have at your disposal.

    The content may be jargon-heavy and a bit technical. How can you broaden the messaging to fit your targeted audiences? Go back to the media lists you just set. What are those reporters writing about? What would make them care about the story your company is trying to tell? How could your executives help their target audiences (the readers) overcome specific challenges they might be facing? Solve, don’t sell. 

    Once you’ve started pitching and accruing those earned media wins, take it further. Think about your distribution channels. How can you amplify the earned media wins you’re likely to procure across owned and social channels? Can you convert an earned media bylined win into a blog post on a similar topic? Can you amplify the bylined win across your company’s LinkedIn and individual executives’ LinkedIn channels? 

  3. Measure your results, and adjust your strategy accordingly. It's important to measure the results of your PR efforts so that you can see what's working and what's not. Some metrics you may want to track include: 

  • Share of Voice: How does your company stack against competitors in the media? Are the media wins you’re starting to accrue by pulling substantial Share of Voice from another company? 

  • Sentiment Analysis: Are you attracting the right type of media attention? Ultimately, media coverage on your company should skew positive, if not neutral.

  • Media Frequency: Are you showing up in the media consistently month over month? Or, did you see a fluster of media coverage when you released that big announcement, and now you’re in month two of a very noticeable dip in coverage? Consistency is key (at Kite Hill PR, we like to call this “managing the peaks and valleys”).

By following these tips, and starting to better incorporate PR initiatives into your overall lead generation strategy, you’ll be leaning into the PESO (Paid, Earned, Social, and Owned) model. Implementing this 360-degree approach will help you, in time, generate more leads and grow your business. 

If you have additional questions and/or need some help to get started, reach us at hello@kitehillpr.com. We’re here to support you!

- Mackenzie Sikora, Senior Account Director

Leading with impact: how to be strategic with sustainability comms in 2024

Prioritizing authenticity and incorporating sustainability messaging into existing comms strategies can help companies inspire trust. By Tiffany Guarnaccia.

This article was originally published on ipra.org.

This year, emphasis on sustainability communications will be critical among businesses, stakeholders, and consumers who are aiming to make strides in their climate-focused goals. And with the US gearing up for another pivotal presidential election, there will be continued discussions around what climate justice means and how industries of all shapes and sizes are contributing to the fight against climate change. The tech industry, specifically, is in a prime position to make major strides in 2024.

Just take a look at the numbers. In 2022, across nearly every industry, venture funding took a nose-dive. However, the climate tech space didn’t see much of a dip in investments until early 2023. In the first half of the year, the sector only saw $13.1 billion in funding – 40% less than the same period in 2022 (CTVC). Yet, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel with a total of $16.6 billion invested in climate tech companies in Q3 2023. The time is now, of course, if we want to reach the goal of net zero emissions by 2050.

For communicators, this year marks a critical moment. One key theme during Climate Week NYC in 2023 was that as business leaders continue to emphasize ESG efforts, transparency in their communications must be a top priority. As consumers demand more from corporations, companies can be vague about their sustainable practices.

This year, we’ll see companies held to a higher standard for their sustainability practices and for how they’re talking about their goals and progress. When it comes to sustainability comms, leveraging PR strategies that focus on realistic, long-term plans and transparent messaging is the key to success. Let’s take a deeper look at the strategies companies can lean into to effectively communicate their goals and progress.

 Clarify and refine positioning

We’ve seen incredible growth in the sustainability market over the past few years — and it shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. Projected to peak at $62 billion in 2030, nearly all industries and verticals (like financial institutions and the energy sector) are now making big waves in the market at rapid speed.

As more players enter the industry conversation, the landscape naturally becomes a bit convoluted. We see this happen when any topic experiences a sudden onset of growth, and sustainability is no exception. This marks a pivotal moment for communicators; now is the time to reflect and refine market positioning. In order to carve out a space of their own, communicators need to assess how they are currently showing up in conversations, identify their unique points of view, and evolve messaging to align with the needs of the current landscape.

Communicators should ask themselves: What new or unique approach/offering can we leverage in the sustainability conversations? Do we have data-driven insights or meaningful progress to share that could break through the noise? How can our messaging evolve to reflect the current landscape without compromising on authenticity?

As the market continues to grow, it’s critical for communicators to evaluate shifts in the landscape, assess what they’re bringing to the table and refine how they’re showing up in the space. Market changes, new technology and current events can make a significant impact on key audiences and how they respond to brand messaging. In 2024, keeping abreast of rapid industry changes is key for communicators to maintain relevancy and achieve effective positioning in the rapidly growing sustainability conversation.

Prioritize authenticity

With businesses feeling more pressure to amp up their sustainability efforts, this all too often results in the costly mistake of greenwashing. We’ve seen it time and time again: companies spend time and money on marketing themselves as eco-friendly instead of actually minimizing their impact on the environment. Just last year, we saw the world’s leading provider of carbon offsets, Verra, under fire for an investigation that revealed 90% of its rainforest offsets failed to protect rainforests and potentially made global heating worse. This also implicated Verra’s big name clients like Disney, Shell and Gucci who relied on these offsets to honor their individual commitments to reducing carbon emissions.

Needless to say, greenwashing tactics are guaranteed to backfire and can have a detrimental impact on consumer trust and a company’s brand. This year, incidents of greenwashing are likely to be more amplified – and more damaging – for all industries due to the political climate and new anti-greenwashing legislature.

Take California’s new anti-greenwashing law, for example. The new law, which went into effect on Jan. 1, cracks down on businesses making “green” claims in the state. This is likely to inspire other states to take similar action in the year ahead, extending anti-greenwashing legislation far beyond the borders of the Golden State. As corporate consequences for greenwashing mount, it’s more important than ever for communicators to ensure that authenticity and transparency are at the core of all sustainability comms, from ESG reporting to measuring environmental impact.

Progress doesn’t happen overnight for any business, and honesty is always the best policy when it comes to maintaining trust with consumers, employees and stakeholders. In 2024, it’s no longer an option for companies to stay silent on sustainability — but it’s even worse to get caught up in corporate hypocrisy and legal challenges.

When it comes to maintaining transparency, the most important rule of thumb is to start the conversation regardless of where a company might be in reaching its sustainability goals. Companies should set realistic goals for themselves and ensure all messaging, including announcements, thought leadership and media relations efforts, align with those goals. This is critical to ensuring that sustainability goals stay within reach and promoting authenticity and transparency along the way.

Companies new to CSR need not be discouraged

CSR is an integral component to a successful, holistic comms strategy. In fact, research shows that 82% of today’s successful brands incorporate CSR into their comms strategies. As consumers demand more accountability and increasingly seek out companies that align with their values, CSR should be a critical area of priority - and investment - for communicators this year.

Companies investing resources in CSR for the first time don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Think through existing partnerships and client relationships. There may be opportunities to execute CSR activations in tandem with a client partner or retool certain existing comms efforts to better emphasize sustainable business practices.

Companies can also leverage existing sustainability initiatives through common PR strategies like thought leadership, media relations, relevant industry events or speaking opportunities, and amplification via social or owned media. Even if a business is just starting out with sustainability comms, there are often overlooked opportunities to amplify a unique commitment, highlight progress or showcase existing efforts.

Additionally, companies should consider setting aside resources to involve executives in certain industry tentpole moments. For example, Climate Week NYC is an annual event that brings together thousands of business leaders and changemakers to drive climate action. This could be a prime opportunity for a company executive to attend key events, take part in a speaking session, or spark inspiration through networking with industry leaders.

Looking ahead: a critical moment for sustainability comms

In today’s complex landscape, achieving effective sustainability communication is no easy feat. With consumers demanding more from companies than ever before, communicators understand the importance of sustainability comms and are striving to carve out a space of their own in a rapidly growing conversation.

Through strategic positioning in the market, prioritizing authenticity and incorporating sustainability messaging and CSR into existing comms strategies, communicators can help companies meet their goals and inspire trust among consumers, employees and stakeholders in 2024.

Partnering for Progress: How Companies can Demonstrate their Commitment to Black Heritage Beyond a Month

Black History (Heritage) Month is the opportunity to celebrate the achievements and lives of people who were overlooked, underestimated and stolen from for generations. It is a time to look at where we can do better to amplify the voices of black people in every facet of society. We are at a crucial point when we can either continue to push for equality or fall back into the status quo of doing what feels comfortable. 

Here’s what is happening: states are passing laws to ban teaching history of black people, affirmative action has been dismantled and slowly many of the diversity, equity and inclusion departments, programs and jobs are being eliminated. These things could signal that society, companies and people no longer care to acknowledge, let alone celebrate, black people or other minority groups. 

This is when companies can show their commitment to diversity, and it can be all year long. Baking cultural appreciation into the very fabric of corporate and external communications that extends beyond a month speaks volumes and can take a couple steps. First, ensure that messaging and content accurately represent diverse perspectives and experiences. This means actively seeking and including voices that have been historically marginalized. Second, companies can work to create inclusive and welcoming environments within their organizations, fostering a culture where diverse voices are heard and valued. By promoting open dialogue and providing opportunities for employees to share their experiences, communicators within a company can help to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

In the realm of corporate and external communications, communicators have a unique opportunity to drive positive change by promoting diversity and inclusion. To effectively do so, communicators should also prioritize the representation of diverse perspectives and experiences in their messaging and content. This entails actively seeking out and including voices that have been historically marginalized. By fostering inclusive and welcoming environments within their organizations, communicators can create spaces where diverse voices are heard and valued.

It is undoubtedly uncomfortable to confront the painful history of racial strife in our nation. However, instead of shying away from this discomfort, we should allow it to motivate us to take action and strive for a better future. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of equality and justice for all is not just a distant aspiration; it is a living legacy that resides within each of us. By embracing this dream and working together, we can bring it to fruition and create a society where all individuals, regardless of race or background, are treated with dignity and respect.

- Charlyne McWilliams, SVP

Kite Hill PR Names Creative AI Company, Crant, Winner of This Year’s “Tech for Good” Program

Showcasing its commitment to support and further the mission of purpose-driven B2B and tech companies, the Agency will evolve this Program to become a core Practice Area, moving forward.

NEW YORK — February 13, 2024 – Kite Hill PR, an award-winning, agile tech PR agency, has selected creative AI company, Crant, as the winner of the third iteration of the agency’s "Tech For Good” program. The initiative offers purpose-driven, pro-social technology companies a custom, three-month, PR program at no cost. Crant was selected from a field of impressive submissions and will receive a comprehensive PR package that includes strategy & external communications recommendations, messaging review & competitor analysis, and content creation.

“We are thrilled about the opportunity to work with Kite Hill PR and look forward to shining a light on how AI can be wielded to generate a positive impact in society,” said Alvaro Melendez, CEO and co-founder of Crant. “For us, this is not just about increasing our visibility and reaching new audiences in the marketing world - it’s also about promoting ethical branding and inspiring other companies to become more purpose-driven themselves.”

Based in Miami, Florida, Crant is a certified minority-owned startup that harnesses the power of AI to enhance brand marketing efficiency and help brands foster positive impact among consumers, stakeholders and employees. Notably, the company’s AI brand-building platform, Ink Lantern, acts as a round-the-clock monitor for brands, helping them to better understand consumer perceptions and gain critical insight into how to boost engagement. Crant has also developed a DEI Index, which leverages AI to track and measure companies’ DEI efforts and materially improve their progress on DEI overall. 

Off the back of its latest successful program and increased interest in PR support from mission-driven organizations, the agency has expanded “Tech for Good” into a core practice area to double down on supporting companies that are BIPOC/woman/LGBTQIA+ led or owned and have closed a seed or series A round on an ongoing basis. The expansion of the program builds upon Kite Hill’s commitment to provide PR counsel to, support and provide resources to purpose-driven tech and B2B companies within the adtech, enterprise tech, climate tech, fintech, health tech, and media & entertainment industries on an ongoing basis.

“We’re incredibly excited to help Crant build upon and amplify their story in the months ahead,” said Tiffany Guarnaccia, CEO and founder of Kite Hill PR. “Since the agency’s founding, Kite Hill PR has helmed communications efforts for B2B tech companies in many emerging and evolving industries. We believe that companies under the umbrella of “Tech for Good” have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact during a period in history when we’d all like to see more good in the world.” 

About Kite Hill PR

Based in New York City with team members in the UK and across North America, Kite Hill PR is a leading B2B communications and tech PR agency specializing in connecting enterprise technology, media and advertising businesses with key stakeholders. The company's winning approach combines thought leadership, strategy and media relations to drive clients' businesses forward. Kite Hill PR has been recognized as one of the "Top Tech Specialist PR Agencies in NYC,” “Most Powerful PR Firms,” and a “Top 50 PR Firm in America” by the Observer, a “Top B2B Agency” by Ragan Communications and PR Daily, a “Best Place to Work” by PR News and one of "America's Best PR Agencies" by Forbes.

About Crant

Crant is a creative AI company that has quickly become one of the most innovative companies in the field of data-driven brand intelligence. The company is based in Miami, Florida, and is focused on helping brands have a more positive impact on the world with their marketing efforts.